Central Pro Am Bans Umbrella Rigs for Tournaments

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Central Pro Am Tournament Association Announced today Umbrella Rigs cannot be used in the upcoming 2013 Season. The ban includes all qualifying events and the Pro Am Championship. The new rule prohibits use of Alabama and all other umbrella style rigs for all anglers competing in the 2013 season.

“We’ve had an unbelievable amount of feedback from our anglers,†said Central Pro Am owner Mike Webb.   “The response has been overwhelming; our anglers don’t want the rig used in competition and most feel the rig does not show the true skill of an angler.â€

The new rule will not go into effect until the kick off for the 2013 season. The remaining tournaments on the 2012 schedule including the Pro Am and team Championships will not be effected by this new rule.

“Anglers can use an umbrella rig at the September qualifying event and both championships.†Webb said. “At the 2013 kickoff, the rig will not be allowed.

“I don’t have anything against the rig; I’ve caught the biggest stringers of my career on an umbrella rig with five baits and love to fish it. The anglers have spoken out. They feel strongly that umbrella rigs remove skill from bass fishing.

“We will still allow our competitors to use multi fluke rigs, multi bait drop shot rigs and multiple topwater baits, but umbrella style rigs will not be allowed.†Webb said.

Outlawing the rig is the second change made under new ownership, the move follows returning the series to a two-day format next season. The 2013 schedule and more exciting news will be released in the near future. For more information contact Mike Webb at 417-425-7513 or email kastkid@aol.com.
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