6th Sense Cloud 9 Crankbait Review

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One of the new deep diving crankbaits I added to my rotation this season was the 6th Sense Cloud 9 deep diving crankbait. Here are some of the aspects I found that make it a good deep diver for bass anglers to consider and several of the bass that sold me on its effectiveness.

Wide lip gets the bait diving quickly

The Cloud 9 Deep Divers feature an extra-wide lip with a narrow knife edge set just under the chin of the body. The bait scoops water aggressively which gets it to depth quickly. 

Good hooks out of the package

The Cloud 9 Deep Divers feature big extra wide gap hooks out of the package. They have not only great hooking points but solid holding power. The gauge of wire used in the hooks matches the profile of the bait so you can pull hard on the fish and keep them pegged all the way to the boat. 

The Cloud 9 deep divers come in 3 sizes

I fished mostly with the Cloud 9 C25, that will get down just past 25 feet on a long cast on 10 pound line. It also comes in the C15 which will get to 20 feet and the C10 which will get to 12 feet. The bigger front section of body and narrow tail give each size a slightly unique kick from the each other. I caught fish on the C25 grinding in 12 feet of water and just barely ticking the bottom in 24 feet of water.

Cloud 9 body matched to the lip for a hard kick

The profile of the body coupled with the larger front lip give this bait a kick out that puts a lot of torque on the rod but doesn’t kill you to wind a while, even at high speeds. The weight transfer also helps with the casting but also the dive angle to get the bait deep quick.

Unique bend in lip gives it a steep dive angle

The unique bend in the lip gives the Cloud 9 deep divers a hard and quick dive angle so it gets to depth quickly into the cast to keep the crankbait in the strike zone for more of the cast. In fact you will notice it fights a bit to come out of depth at the end of the cast when you get closer to the reel. The C25 throws extremely well. The C15 did tumble on an occasion or two, but I never had that issue with the C25. I think you have to be a little more careful with the weight transfer on the C15 and your change of direction when you are in your back swing and transfer forward to bomb a long cast. If you snap forward too much I think the smaller crankbait tumbles a bit. But if you flow more in an arc you won’t have that problem.

First bass on the Cloud 9 for me

This was the first bass I caught on the 6th Sense Cloud 9 C25 crankbait. The fish bit on my very first cast with the lure. You can tell these bass were on a hard shad feed. 

Second fish on the Cloud 9 C25

My second fish was on the next cast with the 6th Sense Cloud 9. The bass were pinning the crankbait to the bottom as it was grinding on the side of a ledge. So they often get it under the chin when they are doing that.

Things clicked early and often my first day testing the Cloud 9 C25 deep diver

Finally I got a good one on about my 10th cast with the Cloud 9. The school was amped up and biting every cast and they were really reacting to the crankbait deflecting and aggressively kicking around on the bottom. This one had no problem getting the big crankbait way down in its mouth. 

Biggest bass this summer on a deep diving crankbait

My biggest crankbait bass of the summer came on the Cloud 9 Deep Diver 25. The fish hit like a ton of bricks and stopped the crankbait so hard I nearly dropped my rod. The crankbait stayed pinned up even with two big jumps, one way out on the end of the cast. I was really impressed in the quality of fish it attracted this summer. I had one of the biggest doubles I’ve had on in several years with two 5-pounders on the C25 on one cast. They flopped at the boat and I was only able to land one of them. But that’s a fun time when get two quality bass to the boat on one single bait. You can find the 6th Sense Cloud 9 Series of Deep Diving Crankbaits on Tacklewarehouse.com and OmniaFishing.com as well as other retailers that carry 6th Sense lures.

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