Industry News | Howell Signs with King’s Home

Bassmaster Elite Series angler Randy Howell has signed on as the main spokesperson for

King’s Home, a nonprofit organization based near his home in Central

Alabama. Beginning in 2011, Howell will prominently display the King’s

Home logo, name and colors on his tournament boat, truck and jersey.


began volunteering at King’s Home two years ago after learning about

the organization’s mission to provide hope and healing to moms,

children, youth and women seeking refuge from abuse, neglect and

homelessness. He connected instantly with the residents of King’s Home,

sharing his love of fishing while teaching them about the sport at one

of the campus lakes. Along the way, the children discovered the

therapeutic joys of spending time on the water in fellowship with this

personable angler – and with one another.

“Fishing is therapeutic

for these kids and motivates them to get outside and explore,â€

Howell said. “And watching their faces as they catch their first fish is a

wonderful experience, not just for them, but for me, as well.â€


Home has found fishing to be valuable in other ways. In April 2010

Howell served as keynote speaker for the group’s largest fundraising

event, and in November signed a contract to promote King’s Home


“Our partnership with Randy has been a wonderful

blessing,â€said Lew Burdette, President of King’s Home. “His engaging

personality, media savvy, talent as a world-class angler and tremendous

heart for helping children, youth and moms make him a perfect fit as our
