DUO Realis Finesse Trifecta Giveaway Winners

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DUO Realis brought spybaiting to the front of finesse techniques with their spinbait lineup and recently introduced a new bait to that group for shallow water with the Realis Spinbait 80 Shallow. These baits are works of art with twin spinners. excellent color patterns and unique action put them in a class by themselves. Subtle is the keyword and now have created other slick plastic baits with the Realis G-Fix T-Hog and the Realis Wriggle ND Slim 3″ shaker that will put finesse and shaky head anglers on the top of the leader board. Most who love finesse will tell you that having something just a bit different can be “the” differentiator.

Whether chunking and slow winding the Realis Spinbait 80 Shallow in open water for suspending fish or over rocks and grass the flash simply gets them to bite. Their new plastics allow anglers to sit on finicky tough-to-catch bass, in particular on heavily pressured fish, with light line to fill a limit. These three baits worked in concert can help turn a tough day into a great one.

We worked with our friends at DUO to offer a taste of each of these baits mentioned above to add to their arsenals and no doubt add a few fish to their day on the water. We hand-selected some superior colors perfect for most bodies of water here in the US.

Enter below for a chance to win a Spinbait 80 Shallow, a bag of G-Fix T-Hogs and a package of the Wriggle ND Slims in this giveaway.

Congratulations to the winners, your gear is on the way! Thanks for entering and as always, keep an eye out for more weekly giveaways from the Wired2fish guys. 

Matthew Ward – North Brunswick, N.J.

Mark Harrison – Austin, Texas

Ruth Iuler – Delaware, Ohio

Coop Cooper – Leicester, N.C.

Joseph Weber – Lacey, Wash.

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