With dozens of colors on the market, hollow body frog color selection can be confusing – that is until you’ve logged a pile of hours and landed hundreds of fish on them. Professional bass angler Randall Tharp has done just that and believes water clarity is the biggest factor when deciding between dark and lighter translucent colors, with forage being a close second. He shares his favorite handful of frog colors and when he reaches for each.
McKeon Roberts is a videographer specializing in multispecies angling and kayak fishing. He loves to teach and tell a story through film while exploring and pursuing his lifelong passion for catching fish.
He served as a natural resource professional for six years, working with the limnological and biological aspects of lakes and wetlands across northern Minnesota. This subject matter is often woven into his how-to fishing content, and his love for tinkering with new angling techniques and gear. McKeon enjoys traveling to fishing destinations and playing music in his spare time.