Michael’s Fish-A-Thon to Fight Lung Disease

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To excel at most sports, you need to be able to run fast and jump high. Fishing, however, is different—anyone can do it, regardless of their physical limitations.

That’s been Michael Jarecki’s saving grace as he fights an extremely rare, life-threatening disease called Bronchiolitis Obliterans, which is a form of Children’s Interstitial and Diffuse Lung Disease. The disease has destroyed over 80 percent of his lung function and he’s not able to do many of the things other kids can do.

But guess what? That’s not stopping him. He can certainly fish—his life revolves around it. We hear he’s pretty darn good, too!

Michael and his parents host a Fish-A-Thon each year to raise money for the chILD Foundation, which supports research for his disease. People donate based on how many fish he could catch.

This year, that tradition will continue and you can bet Michael will be working hard to catch a bunch of fish. You’ll also be able to help by entering their team bass tournament on Mary 23 on Summit Lake in Tekamah, Nebraska. $150 tax deductible entry fee per boat and lots of door prizes for a great cause.

How to donate to Michael’s Fish-A-Thon:

Flat donation: Child-Foundation.com
Per fish donation: email Michael’s mother at mjarecki@hotmail.com

How to enter team bass tournament:

Click here to register online.

To follow Michael’s journey and keep up with his fishing adventures, be sure to follow his Facebook page.
