Fixing up the old fishing boat | Wiring Electronic

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Part One and Part Two of our series we talked about the boat (Ranger Banshee 16’8) and the motor (Yamaha 9.9 Four Stroke). We also spoke to performance issues we resolved with the proper propeller and the use of a T&H Small Motor Jackplate.


One of the most critical parts of this build was the wiring. As we mentioned the boat was completely stripped when we got it from Ranger. Typically this boat has a poling platform and many times is void of a front seat and trolling motor.  The poling platform is not needed but seats, electronics and trolling motor are  essential. Placing the proper wiring with the correct  switches in an accessible area takes planning too.

Notice the hatch in the Ranger below the foot pedal. It allowed for easy access for wire runs to rear of the boat and also serves as a storage area.

One of the reasons we chose the  Ranger is Ranger never scrimps on the critical elements. Wire races, level floatation, switch panel locations and battery storage areas were positioned well. We decided on 6 gauge wiring from bow to stern and used recommended electronics wiring that total distance as well. Wiring it right to begin with  cuts down  problems in the future. Reducing the number of splices, using the correct size electrical ends, and water proof switches are also important.  Note: pulling a  pull wire that is left in place also allows for upgrades in the future for wiring. We ran wiring for the troller, navigation lights and electronics on the initial pull.

Positioning the switches close to the  batteries is a good move as well. Smaller gauge wiring run short distances always works best. When building a boat like this it is important to plan for the future and maintanence etc is simplified when planning in done prior to install.


Switch panel is located in rear of the boat across from operators position. Jackplate switch is also located here.

The batteries (3) are in the rear of the boat in the compartments. Two of the batteries are for   the trolling motor. All accessories including depth finders, jackplate, outboard etc are run off of the starting battery. Battery boxes, tie downs  and terminal covers are mandatory in the compartments.

The next section we will talk about seating, trolling motor and livewell installation.

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